Can one change the nature of one's soul?
According to The Hermetica, a person's soul is matched with a body.
"A sluggish soul with a sluggish body, a lively soul with a lively body."
If one were to realize their soul had a negative nature (ie, angry, lazy, etc.), could they change their nature?
I'm sure that on some level they can, even if only slightly. Is this how a soul grows in wisdom? By recognizing it's faults and striving to change them?
I think that it can be done, but possibly not in one lifetime. One would have to realize and become self aware and know their faults in order to change them.
Some people may know their faults but lack the discipline needed to change. Others may not see their faults as bad or that it's something that doesn't need to be changed. They may balk and state that it's their nature to be this way and that there isn't anything they can do to change this. These souls could be very young and not very wise. It may take may lifetimes in order for a soul to realize and become self aware.
This is how a soul grows. Through self exploration and finding one's faults and making the changes needed.
Life experiences also play a factor in what way a soul grows.
I also believe that Astrology may play a larger factor in one's life. In one life, someone may be born under a weak sign. This may render the soul unable to change and learn and become self aware. In their next life, or reincarnation, they may be born under a stronger sign and have the guidance of the gods to make the changes that need to be made in order to become self aware
According to The Hermetica, a person's soul is matched with a body.
"A sluggish soul with a sluggish body, a lively soul with a lively body."
If one were to realize their soul had a negative nature (ie, angry, lazy, etc.), could they change their nature?
I'm sure that on some level they can, even if only slightly. Is this how a soul grows in wisdom? By recognizing it's faults and striving to change them?
I think that it can be done, but possibly not in one lifetime. One would have to realize and become self aware and know their faults in order to change them.
Some people may know their faults but lack the discipline needed to change. Others may not see their faults as bad or that it's something that doesn't need to be changed. They may balk and state that it's their nature to be this way and that there isn't anything they can do to change this. These souls could be very young and not very wise. It may take may lifetimes in order for a soul to realize and become self aware.
This is how a soul grows. Through self exploration and finding one's faults and making the changes needed.
Life experiences also play a factor in what way a soul grows.
I also believe that Astrology may play a larger factor in one's life. In one life, someone may be born under a weak sign. This may render the soul unable to change and learn and become self aware. In their next life, or reincarnation, they may be born under a stronger sign and have the guidance of the gods to make the changes that need to be made in order to become self aware